CBD and anxiety: Does CBD oil help to combat anxiety?
Many people suffer from anxiety in situations that do not really pose a real threat, but those affected perceive it differently. In addition, sufferers fear the control of psychotropic drugs, however, they would like a more digestible medication. Given the occasion, the use of CBD can help combat anxiety, as this connection has been researched for over a decade.
So, in this article, we explain to you how CBD oil is an effective cannabidiol product for relieving people with anxiety disorder and depression. read on!
What is social anxiety disorder?
As mentioned above, fear is too often confused with the “anxiety” emotions we feel at times of high stress. For example, when we take an exam. However, anxiety disorder, an umbrella term that includes different states, is a different story.
True anxiety disorders are serious and can prevent you from leading a normal life. If left untreated, persistent fear can lead to numerous medical illnesses as well as advanced psychological problems.
When is an anxiety disorder?
We usually have palpitations and sweaty hands exactly when we feel we need them the least, for example, before an exam, an interview, or an appointment.
Physical symptoms may include:
- Stomach pain
- Muscle tension
- Headache and migraine
- Hyperventilation and palpitations
- High blood pressure
- Sweating, tremors, and dizziness
- Appetite changes
- Sleep disturbances and fatigue
Psychological and emotional symptoms include:
- Panic and nervousness
- Feelings of impending doom
- Irritation and irrational anger
- restlessness
- Social anxiety disorders
Types of anxiety disorder
Social fear: a situation in which you are worried and frightened by various social situations.
Panic disorder: random panic attacks that occur suddenly. This includes symptoms associated with chest pain, sweating, and even heart attacks.
Generalized anxiety disorder: If you constantly worry about normal everyday situations.

CBD for anxiety
CBD is said to have a calming effect for a long time. CBD helps many people to fall asleep or against headaches. But can CBD alleviate this disorder?
This relationship between CBD for anxiety was investigated in several studies. This type of anxiety disorder causes sufferers to suffer from the presence of other people. You feel uncomfortable and are afraid of being perceived in a way that makes you uncomfortable. It is assumed that between 2-10% of the population suffers from social anxiety, although delimitation is difficult due to the wide spectrum of expression.
CBD against fear and Phobias
The study in question examined the effect of CBD on a group of people with social phobia when deliberately brought into a stressful situation through the so-called “public speaking simulation test” (SPST). This established test simulates a situation in which the patient has to speak in front of the public.
People with social phobias often feel very uncomfortable in such situations, which is expressed in fear, limited cognitive abilities, and discomfort. These factors were measured after patients received CBD or a placebo prior to testing. The results were impressive and were able to demonstrate that immediate intake of CBD before the problematic situation led to the relief of all typical symptoms. Check out their page to find a great site to visit to learn more about CBD,